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In the Growing phase, you leverage the power of neuroplasticity to replace outdated, harmful beliefs and behaviors with ones that better serve your well-being and growth.
In this phase, you actively nurture the insights that come from seeing clearly in the previous phase. This phase is about nurturing psychological growth and emotional freedom by developing new skills through practice. You will engage techniques, exercises, and activities that support the formation of helpful new habits. Creativity and fun are crucial as you explore and find practices that resonate with you.
The best integration practice is the one you will actually do.
The best integration practice is the one you will actually do.
Whether you find passion and joy through painting, gardening, spending time in nature, cooking, running, being a parent, the key is to find the opportunities for growth in what you love. This is an invitation to embrace a growth mindset, be open and curious, willing to try new things (and willing to let go of what doesn't serve you). This allows you to discover serious growth when you connect your inspiration and your energy.
One of the main obstacles that prevents progress at this phase is believing that the insights of the Seeing phase will persist and grow on their own. Reconnecting with insights and practicing new behaviors through “short moments repeated often” are crucial during this phase of the journey.
Around this time, I also see people struggle with:
  • old habits
  • perfectionism
  • limited support
  • self-doubt
  • a lack of motivation
  • resistance to change
  • feeling overwhelmed, and
  • environmental constraints.
Recognizing these obstacles presents growth opportunities, and invitation to explore these obstacles to take the next step in the journey.
As you near the end of the growing phase, you find yourself experiencing new responses and coping strategies replacing old, less adaptive ones. As you continue to practice, you notice the spontaneous emergence of new thoughts and behaviors naturally stemming from new beliefs. You begin to experience a certain joy and excitement as you see you your efforts translating into positive changes. You are ready to enter the Integration Phase.

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