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  • Imagine yourself in a field—or a forest clearing, a city park, a mountaintop, a beach, your backyard—any place that has a peaceful quality to it. Picture this scene with all 5 senses: what you see, hear, smell, taste, feel. Take a few moments to really land in this place.
  • Feel the earth beneath you, the sky above you, the space around you.
  • Feel your body breathing.
  • Now, invite any compassionate beings to this place—any loving person(s), real, fictional or imagined, living or deceased; pets or other animals; trees or other natural phenomena; any spiritual beings; and any other compassionate friends or presences from your life.
  • Invite everyone to arrange in a circle in this place.
  • Once everyone has assembled and gotten settled, simply be with each other in the circle, feeling their loving, supportive presence.
  • (Create a list of these compassionate beings for future reference if helpful.)
  • Enter into the middle of the circle.
  • Feel the loving circle of compassionate companions around you. Especially notice and feel any positive sensations in your body. Breathe into these positive sensations.
  • Invite into the middle with you anyone (or more than one) from the circle. Feel what it’s like to be in the middle of the circle with them, the two+ of you surrounded by the circle of loving companions.
  • Once settled in the middle of the circle, feel free to share with your compassionate friend anything you may currently be struggling with (”If you really knew me, you would know…”), or anything you may want to celebrate. Feel their kind, loving presence; hear their wise-hearted counsel. (Some folks find no words are needed, simply the loving, understanding presence of your compassionate companion.)
  • Seek their counsel regarding any fears or obstacles you may currently be facing, and potential antidotes/solutions. If any of these entail action items, see if you might like to rehearse any of these solutions with your compassionate companion or any others from the circle.
  • Consider the strengths, gifts, and capacities of your compassionate companion. Imagine making contact with your compassionate companion and through that contact being imbued with their strengths, gifts and capacities.
  • After receiving their support, see if there is anyone else from the circle you would like support from regarding this or any other issue. Repeat any above elements as helpful.
  • When things feel complete, thank your compassionate companion(s) for their love and support, take a deep breath, and come back to where you are here and now.