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Think of a peaceful, calming place, real or imagined, one that evokes only positive feelings. It is important that this place be "unsullied," meaning it has only positive associations, no negative associations. (If at any time while imagining it you notice negative associations, we need to find a different place.) Take all the time you need in identifying/locating your peaceful place.
With all your senses (see, hear, smell, taste, touch), envision your calm place in as much detail as you can. Notice what you see, hear, touch, smell, taste in this place.
Focus on your calm place and notice any/all pleasant sensations in your body.
What word or phrase represents your calm place?
Suggested: 1-minute "little and often" practice
  • Set an alarm to go off once a day to remind you to practice this resource. When your alarm goes off, set a timer for 1 minute to practice the resource.
  • Think of something 4/10 on the Subjective Units of Disturbance (SUD) scale, something annoying or moderately triggering (not overwhelming) from recent memory.
  • Note the SUD # from 0-10.
  • Practice the resource.
  • Afterwards, notice any shift in how you feel.
  • Apply as helpful in more activating/triggering situations and notice the shift after.