Parts work is a way of accessing and healing trauma and is one of the main modalities I use in my coaching practice. It’s a powerful way of fostering self-understanding, integration, and inner harmony.
Parts work views the psyche as composed of discrete internal aspects or sub-personalities. It involves identifying and communicating directly with different parts to resolve inner conflict and promote healing.
In the 1980s, Dr. Richard Schwartz synthesized existing ideas about parts from Gestalt, voice dialogue, and other therapies with his own experience helping people heal from trauma to produce Internal Family Systems therapy or IFS.
IFS reveals how your mind comprises different sub-personalities or “parts,” each with its own perspectives, feelings, and motivations. Some are protective parts that try to keep you safe, while others hold unresolved pain and trauma. By learning to engage with these parts compassionately, you can address their underlying needs and motivations. This allows protective parts to let down their guard so you can access and heal exiled parts holding pain. IFS offers a powerful approach and entry point for reintegrating the fragmented psyche.
In my coaching practice, I guide clients through parts work using IFS and other modalities to foster self-understanding, give voice to inner conflicts, and cultivate compassionate leadership among parts. This integral approach allows you to resolve deep internal conflicts and live with greater wholeness and authenticity. Parts work offers a gentle path to profound healing and lasting transformation.
IFS and Parts Work Resources
BOOK: No Bad Parts
BOOK: Wild Mind by Bill Plotkin
How to Practice IFS with Dr. Diana Hill and Dr. Dick Schwartz
EXERCISE: Self-Inquiry to Explore the Roots of the Rescuer Impulse
PODCAST - Ketamine and IFS