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I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time.
—Anna Freud

3-in-1 Capacity Resource

What are you currently struggling with?

What strength, quality or capacity would you like to cultivate or enhance that would help with this issue? (Examples)

Is there a time in your life when you were able to tap into/access this strength, quality or capacity?

If so, anchor in this memory: picture it in detail, all 5 senses: see, hear, smell, taste, touch; your age/when it occurred. Option: notice, sense, feel any & all positive (or neutral) emotions and sensations while butterfly-tapping at whatever pace you prefer, fast or slow, with hands crossed over chest or simply tapping on your thighs for 15ish seconds. Pause, notice, sense, feel. What is a word or phrase that captures this strength, quality or capacity?

Is there someone you can think of—real, fictional or imaginary—who embodies this strength, quality or capacity?

If so, envision them embodying this strength, quality or capacity; anchor in this image: picture it in detail, all 5 senses. Notice, sense, feel any & all positive emotions and sensations while butterfly-tapping at whatever pace you prefer, fast or slow, with hands crossed over chest or simply tapping on your thighs for 15ish seconds. Then pause, notice, sense, feel. What is a name, word or phrase that captures this strength, quality or capacity?

Is there an object or symbol you can think of—an animal, element in nature, material item—that represents this strength, quality or capacity?

If so, anchor in this image; picture it in detail, all 5 senses. Notice, sense, feel any & all positive emotions and sensations while butterfly-tapping at whatever pace you prefer, fast or slow, with hands crossed over chest or simply tapping on your thighs for 15ish seconds. Then pause, notice, sense, feel. What is a word or phrase that captures this strength, quality or capacity?

Finally, imagine facing the situation you identified at the beginning with your newly enhanced capacity.

Notice, sense, feel into your new capacity. Suggested: 1-minute "little and often" practice. Set an alarm to go off once a day to remind you to practice this resource. When the time comes, set a timer for 1 minute to practice the resource. Suggested: Think of something annoying or mildly triggering (not overwhelming) from recent memory, 4/10 on the Subjective Units of Disturbance (SUD) scale. Practice the resource. Then notice any shift in how you feel after practicing the resource. Apply as helpful in more activating/triggering situations and notice any shift after applying. What you practice is what you have.
