How to Practice IFS with Dr. Diana Hill and Dr. Dick Schwartz

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Dr. Diana Hill is a psychologist known for her work in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that uses mindfulness and behavioral activation to increase psychological flexibility. Dr. Richard Schwartz, widely known as Dick Schwartz, is a psychotherapist and the creator of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model. This model views the mind as a naturally multifaceted complex of sub-personalities or parts, each with its unique characteristics, perspectives, and roles.

About the Podcast Episode

This conversation gets into the intricacies of IFS, including the roles of managers, firefighters, and exiles. These parts or sub-personalities often contribute (consciously and unconsciously) to behaviors, emotions, and circumstances. By understanding and embracing these parts, you can develop a more harmonious internal environment and foster healthier relationships; within yourself and with others.

Key Discussion Points

  • Understanding Internal Family Systems (IFS): Learn what IFS is and how it can help you better understand your emotions, behaviors, and reactions to different situations.
  • The Role of Managers, Firefighters, and Exiles in IFS: Discover the unique roles these parts play in your psyche and how they can impact your daily lives.
  • Hearing and Appreciating All Your Inner Parts: Learn strategies to communicate effectively with your inner parts, fostering acceptance and understanding.
  • The 8 Cs of Self-Leadership: Delve into these eight qualities of self-leadership described within the IFS framework.
  • Applying IFS Outside the Therapy Room: Gain practical tips on how to incorporate IFS principles into everyday life.
  • The Overlap Between IFS and Buddhism: Explore the intersection of IFS and Buddhist psychology.

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