As I Notice—an awareness practice

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Practice with any combination of the following: thoughts, emotions, sensations, urges & impulses, memories, needs, longings, actions, etc.
As I notice the thought that ____, I notice I feel ____.
As I notice feeling ____, I notice the urge/impulse to ____.
As I notice the urge/impulse to ____, I notice the thought that ____.
As I notice the thought that ____, I notice the sensation of ____.
As I notice the sensation of ____, I notice the memory of ____.
As I notice the memory of ____, I notice I feel ____.

As I notice ____, I notice ____.
As I notice ____, I notice ____.
As I notice ____, I notice ____.
As I notice ____, I notice ____.
As I notice ____, I notice ____.

Notice how you feel before, during, and after noticing any/all of the above.
Invitation: Make noticing an intentional daily practice.