  • The following practice can be especially powerful if read aloud by a friend or loved one, pausing throughout to allow it to resonate.
  • Option: You can skip Step 3 if you prefer; i.e., just feeling the bodily sensations without giving them a shape, size, color, etc. However, it can be very useful to bring awareness to your experience in this way.

  1. Identify a difficult or upsetting current situation, disturbing memory, trigger, or fear.
  1. Identify the bodily location of any painful or unpleasant sensations.
  1. Now imagine, if the painful/unpleasant sensations had a:
    1. Shape, what would that shape be?
    2. Size, how big or small would it be?
    3. Color, what color would it be?
    4. Temperature, what temperature would it be?
    5. Texture, what texture would it be?
    6. Sound, what sound would it make?
  1. Now, what color do you most associate with relief, soothing or healing?
  1. Now imagine a light of this color raining softly, gently down onto you and through you, directing itself at the unpleasant sensations/shape. Imagine the source of this light is the infinite cosmos, so that the more of it you use, the more you have available.
  1. Just allow this soothing, healing light to rain softly, gently down onto you and through you, more and more, directing itself at the unpleasant sensations/shape. As it does, just let the light keep resonating and vibrating around. And as it does, just notice what happens to the unpleasant sensations/shape.
  1. Just keep allowing the light to rain softly, gently down, onto and through you: through your head, neck and shoulders, down your torso and arms, down your back, groin, legs, feet, down through your entire body.
  1. When it is complete, imagine hearing the words you most need to hear right now, and believing those words to be true (e.g., this too shall pass, etc.)