5-step unblending & check-in with a critical part

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Note: This practice can be applied to Loving Eyes when one finds it difficult to feel compassion toward a younger self.

  1. Notice, sense, feel the critical part in, on, or around your body.
  1. Acknowledge & contact the critical part; example: “Something about them you don’t like, huh? I’m here, talk to me; what is it about them that’s upsetting to you?”
  1. Validate the critical part: “I hear you; I can see why that might be upsetting.” Notice how the critical part feels to be validated.
  1. Ask the critical part what it would need from you in order to be more curious. See if you can offer what the critical part needs in order to become more curious.
  1. Thank the critical part for allowing you to get to know its concerns. Notice how the critical part feels to be appreciated.